RAK811 Evaluation Board
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Product Background​
The RAK811 Evaluation Board is a development board that comes in an Arduino Uno form factor. It has a built-in MCU which allows it to function as a standalone solution or as an Arduino shield. This board is highly suitable for rapid development and testing, with its form factor and easy access to GPIOs (via the headers), plus the integrated USB-UART convert and port.
The board integrates the Semtech SX1276 and an STM32 Chip that comes along with firmware, which comes with AT command support. It is easy to configure via the Micro USB and connects with LoRaWAN Network Server in just a couple of minutes. Now, rapid testing is made easy.
Product Features​
- LoRaWAN 1.0.2 Standard support
- Global LoRaWAN bands supported (EU433, CN470, IN865, EU868, US915, AU915, KR920, and AS923)
- Arduino Uno form factor (standalone or as a shield)
- Micro USB with UART converter for easy configuring
- AT commands backed in the firmware, open-source platform