RAK7205/RAK5205 WisTrio LPWAN Tracker
Thank you for choosing RAK7205/RAK5205 WisTrio LPWAN Tracker in your awesome IoT Project! 🎉 To help you get started, we have provided you with all the necessary documentation for your product.
The RAK7205/RAK5205 WisTrio LPWAN Tracker is permanently out of stock. As an alternative product, we recommend RAK10700 WisBlock GNSS Tracker for LoRaWAN.
Product Description​
The RAK5205 WisTrio LPWAN Tracker board is built on the Semtech SX1276 chip, with the STM32L1 MCU at its core. It is a feature-packed sensor board with LoRa connectivity and built-in GPS. It provides various interfaces for easy application development.
This is the ideal LPWAN tracker board with a built-in sensor available in the market. It is best used as a quick prototyping module for Internet-of-Things and LoRaWAN Network integration. Its perfect use cases for IoT applications include asset tracking, smart vehicle management, and location-based services.
Product Features​
- Compatible with 96Boards IoT Edition Specification
- With SX1276 LoRa long-range and Ublox Max 7Q GPS modems which allow enabling the GPS low power mode
- Integrated the ultra-low-power microcontroller ARM Cortex-M3 STM32L1
- Built-in environmental sensor BME680 (gas, pressure, humidity, temperature) and 3-axis MEMS sensor LIS3DH (accelerometer)
- SMA/iPEX antenna optional for LoRa and GPS
- Supports the latest LoRaWAN 1.0.2 protocol, activation by OTAA/ABP
- Supports programmable bit rate up to 300Â kbps
- Supports rechargeable battery through micro USB or 5Â V solar charging ports
- Supports sleep mode, the power consumption down to 14.5 μA
- Supports global license-free ISM band: EU433, CN470, EU868, US915, AS923, AU915, KR920 and IN865
- Supports I2C, GPIOs, UART, and ADC interfaces.