RUI Device General Format
This part supports all module with device API
General Format
RUI Device Version
RUI_RETURN_STATUS rui_device_version(uint8_t *version)
@brief | This API is used to get the current firmware version of your device |
@param | uint8_t *version: the current firmware version |
@module | RAK811, RAK4200, RAK8212-M, RAK5010, 4400 and RAK4600 core module |
RUI Device Reset
RUI_RETURN_STATUS rui_device_reset(void)
@brief | This API is used to reset the device |
@param | void |
@module | RAK811, RAK4200, RAK8212-M, RAK5010, 4400 and RAK4600 core module |
RUI Device Sleep
typedef void (*sensor_wakeup)(void);
typedef void (*sensor_sleep)(void);
RUI_RETURN_STATUS rui_sensor_register_callback(sensor_wakeup callback1,sensor_sleep callback2);
RUI_RETURN_STATUS rui_device_sleep(uint32_t on);
@brief | This API is used to set the device to sleep mode. |
@return | NULL |
@param | uint32_t on/off: on/off sensor_wakeup, sensor_sleep: app callback, user can add sensor operation here to finish function and power control |
@module | RAK811, RAK4200, RAK8212-M, RAK5010, 4400 and RAK4600 core module |
RUI Device Boot
void rui_device_boot()
@brief | This API is used to set the device to boot mode. |
@return | NULL |
@param | NULL |
@support | RAK811 and RAK4200 core module |