WisBlock Quick Start Guide

WisBlock is a modular system that makes it easy to implement a low power wide area network (LPWAN) into your IoT solution. WisBlock is going with your solution from rapid prototyping to mass production without the need to create new hardware modules for each step.
- In the development phase, WisBlock modularity allows you to test different microcontrollers, sensors, communication technology, IO options by changing modules with the simple plug-in modules.
- WisBlock industrial-grade modules can be used in mass production without the need to redesign the prototypes.
- Even once deployed, devices can be modified or repaired with minimal waste and effort.
Key Features
Click. Code. Connect.
WisBlock is created with 3 modular blocks.
- WisBlock Base is the baseboard that connects everything.
- WisBlock Core is the computation and communication module.
- WisBlock modules for the Sensor and IO slots are a selection of sensors, input, and other modules.
WisBlock Highlights
- With the use of a compact connector, this makes its size exceptionally small. A WisBlock Base board, which is the base carrier, is only 30 mm by 60 mm in size.
- Using an industrial rated connector, it enables you to use the same modules from rapid prototyping to testing to final product.
- WisBlock is not only modular on the hardware base but with ready to use software blocks it is simple to create an application to match your solution requirements.
WisBlock Base
- WisBlock Base is the carrier for all WisBlock modules.
- It supplies power to the other modules through USB/5V connector, battery connector, solar connector, or a combination of these power sources (additionally, there are bases with PoE or wireless charging capabilities).
- It serves as the initial physical frame or baseboard for your solution.
- It physically interconnects the other WisBlock modules together (Core, IO, and sensor modules), through Rak's innovative WisConnector slots.
- Additionally, the WisBlock Base also features various status LEDs and a reset button (with the exception of the "Power Slot bases").
As a general rule, one WisBlock Base can accommodate one microcontroller module (WisBlock Core), at least one IO module (WisBlock IO), and up to four sensor modules (WisBlock Sensor) in order to meet the needs of your solution.
WisBlock Core
- WisBlock Core is the data processing center of WisBlock.
- Some WisBlock Core modules also offer LoRa/LoRaWAN communication and additional communication means like Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, or Wi-Fi.
WisBlock Sensor
WisBlock Sensor offers a range of sensors for sensing environmental conditions (temperature and humidity), location, and movement conditions (GNSS location and accelerometer). They are easy to install just by plugging them into the WisBase to complete your application with the required sensors.
WisBlock Interface
WisBlock Interface modules provide your application with interfaces to other systems using digital and analog inputs and industry standards like RS485 or 4-20mA communication.
WisBlock Wireless
WisBlock Wireless Modules extend the communication capabilities of WisBlock with the offered WiFi and cellular modem modules. Also, these modules can fit into the IO slot of the WisBlock Base Boards.
WisBlock Display
WisBlock Display modules add visual display options to WisBlock. WisBlock Display offers graphic displays and LED’s for WisBlock solutions.
WisBlock Extra
WisBlock Extra modules are add-ons for WisBlock. This category includes extension cables, real-time clock, and other useful modules.
WisBlock Storage
WisBlock Storage extends the memory capabilities of WisBlock solutions with different storage options like Flash, EEPROM, or SD-Card slots.
WisBlock Power
WisBlock Power Modules extend the power supply options available for WisBlock. Whether you need wireless charging or want to use an alternative green energy resource, the WisBlock Power Modules offer you such solutions. Moreover, a power supply option for external sensors is available as well.
WisBlock Motor
WisBlock Motor Modules adds the capability to control electric motors for your robot project and actuator applications.
WisBlock Audio
WisBlock Audio is a range of building blocks, including microphones, amplifiers DSP, and enclosures which add Audio to the WisBlock ecosystem. Use them to create innovative IoT applications, and they'll work seamlessly with any IoT network, such as Wifi, LoRaWAN, or cellular IoT.
Quick Start Guide
Software Setup
Getting started with the WisBlock products is simple and straightforward. The first thing you need is to set up your software development environment. Listed are the detailed tutorials on how to setup Arduino™ IDE as well as PlatformIO extensions compatible with WisBlock Core boards:
Once you are done setting up your software environment, you can access the example codes on the WisBlock examples repository.
Hardware Setup

WisBlock Base
WisBlock Base is the baseboard that connects the WisBlock Core board with the WisBlock IO and WisBlock Sensor modules.
The standard WisBlock Base has a USB interface that connects with the core MCU's USB pins so that you can use Arduino™ IDE to upload and debug it directly. Depending on the version a WisBlock Base has three to six module slots:
- One “CPU-SLOT” which is used for the WisBlock Core module.
- One to eight slots for WisBlock Sensor modules, named “SLOT A”, “SLOT B”, “SLOT C”, and so on.
- One or two “IO SLOT” for WisBlock IO modules like the RS485 board, 4~20 mA or 0~5 V board, Wi-Fi board, Cellular board.
WisBlock Base supplies power to the other modules through USB/5V connector, battery connector, solar connector, or a combination of these power sources (additionally, there are bases with PoE or wireless charging capabilities).
One group of WisBlock bases don't have an embedded power supply connector (e.g. RAK19009, RAK19010, and RAK19011). Instead, they feature a special WisConnector called the "Power Slot" to extend the range of power supply options available to your solution through the use of a range of [WisBlock Power Modules](https://store.rakwireless.com/collections/wisblock-base.
Check the WisBlock Base Boards section for all available variants.
WisBlock Core, WisBlock Sensor, and WisBlock IO modules are connected to WisBlock Base by just plugging them into the corresponding slots.
To make sure the modules are properly connected, use screws to keep them in their slots.
- Only 3.7-4.2 V Rechargeable LiPo batteries are supported. Do not use other types of batteries with the system.
- Only 5 V solar panels are supported. Do not use 12 V solar panels. It will destroy the charging unit and eventually other electronic parts.
- Make sure the battery wires are matching the polarity on the RAK5005-O board. Not all batteries have the same wiring.

WisBlock Core
WisBlock Core is the processing unit of your IoT solution. You can select a specific WisBlock Core based on your application and device requirements. WisBlock Cores vary in features like connectivity type, processing capability, size of memory, available peripherals, and low power modes.
All WisBlock Core modules are designed to be integrated with WisBlock Sensors and WisBlock IO. This integration extends the functionality and connectivity options of the WisBlock Core. All are designed for battery optimized low power consumption.
Programming of the WisBlock Core modules is done over the USB connector on the WisBlock Baseboard. For flashing a custom bootloader or to debug your application, WisBlock Core modules have exposed programming pins for firmware uploading and debugging like the J-Link interface.
When using the LoRa or Bluetooth Low Energy transceivers, make sure that an antenna is always connected. Using these transceivers without an antenna can damage the system. Make sure to fix the module with the screws to ensure a proper function.
Check the WisBlock Core modules section for all available variants.
WisBlock Sensor Slots
WisBlock Sensor Slots are for small modules that offer a range of sensors for sensing environmental conditions (temperature and humidity), location, and movement conditions (GNSS location and accelerometer) that you just plug into WisBlock Base. This provides an easier way of completing your application with the required functions.
Most WisBlock Sensor modules are small boards that measure 10 x 10 mm. Some modules like the GNSS module are larger with 10 x 22 mm and occupy two sensor slots on the baseboard.
WisBlock Sensor modules in Slot A or Slot C can be placed in two directions. Either being above the WisBlock Base board or sticking out of the WisBlock Base board. This way sensors that are sensitive to the heat dissipated from the WisBlock Base can give better measurement results.
Make sure to fix the module with the screws to ensure a proper function.
Check the WisBlock Modules category section for all available modules.
WisBlock IO Slots
WisBlock IO slots provide your application with interfaces and communication extensions that are not covered by WisBlock Core blocks. This includes the following:
- IO connectors to add user interfaces like keyboards, buttons, and displays.
- Adapter for third party sensor boards from Seeed Grove, Sparkfun QWICC, and MikroElektronika Click! Boards.
- Sensor interfaces like 4-20mA, 5V analog input, I2C, RS232 or RS485.
- Communication modules with LTE NB-IoT, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and NFC.
- Alternative power supplies like POE, 24 V.
WisBlock IO modules are around 25 x 35 mm in size.
Make sure to fix the module with the screws to ensure a proper function.
Check the WisBlock Modules category section for all available modules.