RAK12001 Quick Start Guide
What Do You Need?
Before going through each and every step on using RAK12001 WisBlock Fingerprint Sensor, make sure to prepare the necessary items listed below:
- RAK12001 WisBlock Fingerprint Sensor Module
- Your choice of WisBlock Base
- Your choice of WisBlock Core
- USB Cable
- RAK19008 WisBlock IO Extension Cable (optional)
- Li-Ion/LiPo battery (optional)
- Solar charger (optional)
- Download and install the Arduino IDE.
- To add the RAKwireless Core boards on your Arduino Boards Manager, install the RAKwireless Arduino BSP.
Product Configuration
Hardware Setup
The RAK12001 is a fingerprint sensor module based on GROW R307. This module supports both fingerprint enrollment and fingerprint matching. For more information about RAK12001, refer to the Datasheet.
RAK12001 module can be connected to the sensor's slot of WisBlock Base to communicate with the WisBlock Core, as shown in Figure 1. It can be mounted on the double-size sensor slots with UART pins like slots A, E, & F (also on slot C but only with RAK19003 Mini Base board). Also, always secure the connection of the WisBlock module by using compatible screws.

Assembling and Disassembling of WisBlock Modules
As shown in Figure 2, the location for the sensor slots is properly marked by silkscreen. Follow carefully the procedure defined in WisBlock Base board assembly/disassembly instructions to attach a WisBlock module. Once attached, carefully fix the module with three pieces of M1.2 x 3 mm screws.

The procedure in disassembling any type of WisBlock modules is the same.
- First, remove the screws.

- Once the screws are removed, check the silkscreen of the module to find the correct location where force can be applied.

- Apply force to the module at the position of the connector, as shown in Figure 5, to detach the module from the baseboard.

If you will connect other modules to the remaining WisBlock Base slots, check on the WisBlock Pin Mapper tool for possible conflicts.
After all this setup, you can now connect the battery (optional) and USB cable to start programming your WisBlock Core.
- Batteries can cause harm if not handled properly.
- Only 3.7-4.2 V Rechargeable LiPo batteries are supported. It is highly recommended not to use other types of batteries with the system unless you know what you are doing.
- If a non-rechargeable battery is used, it has to be unplugged first before connecting the USB cable to the USB port of the board to configure the device. Not doing so might damage the battery or cause a fire.
- Only 5 V solar panels are supported. Do not use 12 V solar panels. It will destroy the charging unit and eventually other electronic parts.
- Make sure the battery wires match the polarity on the WisBlock Base board. Not all batteries have the same wiring.
Software Configuration and Example
In this example, you will be able to enroll and verify your fingerprint.
Install the RAKwireless Arduino BSP's for WisBlock by using the
board installation package, the WisBlock Core should now be available on the Arduino IDE. -
You need to select first the WisBlock Core you have, as shown in Figure 6 to Figure 8.

- Copy the example code below:
Click to view the example
* @file RAK12001_FingerPrint.ino
* @author rakwireless.com
* @brief finger print example
* @version 0.1
* @date 2021-11-10
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021
#include "R30X_FPS.h" // Click to install library: http://librarymanager/All#R30X-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library
#include "Wire.h"
#define R307_TOUCH WB_IO1 //Finger touch induction signal output, low level output when there are fingers
//add your fingerprint scanner's password and device address here
#define R307_PASSWORD 0x00000000 //default password is 0x00000000
#define R307_ADDRESS 0xFFFFFFFF //default address is 0xFFFFFFFF
//initialize the object with the correct password and address
//if you want to use the default values, pass nothing
R30X_FPS r307_fps = R30X_FPS (&Serial1, R307_PASSWORD, R307_ADDRESS); //custom password and address
uint8_t enrollFinger(uint16_t location);
uint8_t finger_detect(void);
void print_help(void);
void setup()
//not all boards support all baud rates
//check your board's documentation for more info
time_t timeout = millis();
while (!Serial)
if ((millis() - timeout) < 5000)
digitalWrite(WB_IO2,HIGH); //power on for Finger detection power
Serial.println("R30X Fingerprint Example Sketch");
Serial.println("All commands and parameters must be separated by single whitespace.");
//you need to verify the password before you can do anything else
Serial.print(F("Verifying password 0x"));
Serial.println(R307_PASSWORD, HEX);
uint8_t response = r307_fps.verifyPassword(R307_PASSWORD);
if(response == 0)
#if !defined(FPS_DEBUG)
Serial.println(F("Failed. Check your password. Otherwise try with default one.\n"));
//this is optional
// Serial.println(F("Setting new address.."));
// response = r307_fps.setAddress(0xFFFFFFFF);
// Serial.println();
//infinite loop
void loop()
uint8_t response = 0;
String inputString = "";
String commandString = "";
String firstParam = "";
String secondParam = "";
String thirdParam = "";
//send commands and parameters for each operation
//items are separated by single whitespace
//you can send up to 3 parameters
if(Serial.available()) //monitor the serial interface
inputString = Serial.readString(); //read the contents of serial buffer as string
Serial.print("input Command : ");
uint8_t posCount = 0;
int indexOfSpace = 0;
while(inputString.indexOf(" ") != -1)
{ //loop until all whitespace chars are found
indexOfSpace = inputString.indexOf(" "); //get the position of first whitespace
if(indexOfSpace != -1)
{ //if a whitespace is found
if(posCount == 0) //the first one will be command string
commandString = inputString.substring(0, indexOfSpace); //end char is exclusive
if(posCount == 1) //second will be second param
firstParam = inputString.substring(0, indexOfSpace);
if(posCount == 2) //and so on
secondParam = inputString.substring(0, indexOfSpace);
else if(posCount == 3)
thirdParam = inputString.substring(0, indexOfSpace);
inputString = inputString.substring(indexOfSpace+1); //trim the input string
//saves the last part of the string is no more whitespace is found
if(posCount == 0) //if there's just the command
commandString = inputString;
if(posCount == 1)
firstParam = inputString;
if(posCount == 2)
secondParam = inputString;
if(posCount == 3)
thirdParam = inputString;
//separate and print the received command and parameters
Serial.print("Command string = ");
if(firstParam != "")
Serial.print(F("First param = "));
if(secondParam != "")
Serial.print(F("Second param = "));
if(thirdParam != "")
Serial.print(F("Third param = "));
//deletes all the templates in the library
//this command has no parameters
//eg. clrlib
if(commandString == "clrlib")
response = r307_fps.clearLibrary();
//get templates count
//eg. tmpcnt
else if(commandString == "tmpcnt")
Serial.println(F("Reading templates count.."));
response = r307_fps.getTemplateCount();
//read system parameters
//eg. readsys
else if(commandString == "readsys")
response = r307_fps.readSysPara();
//set data length
//this command has a single parameter
//value should be 32, 64, 128 or 256
//eg. setdatlen 256
else if(commandString == "setdatlen")
uint16_t length = firstParam.toInt();
response = r307_fps.setDataLength(length);
//capture and range search library
//this command has three parameters
//eg. capranser 3000 1 10
else if(commandString == "capranser")
uint16_t timeOut = firstParam.toInt(); //first parameter in milliseconds
uint16_t startLocation = secondParam.toInt(); //second parameter
uint16_t count = thirdParam.toInt(); //third parameter
Serial.println(F("Capture and range search fingerprint.."));
Serial.println(F("Put your finger on the sensor.."));
response = r307_fps.captureAndRangeSearch(timeOut, startLocation, count);
//capture and full search library
//eg. capfulser
else if(commandString == "capfulser")
Serial.println(F("Capture and full search fingerprint.."));
Serial.println(F("Put your finger on the sensor.."));
response = r307_fps.captureAndFullSearch();
//enroll a new fingerprint
//you need to scan the finger twice
//follow the on-screen instructions
//eg. enroll
else if(commandString == "enroll")
uint16_t location = firstParam.toInt(); //converts String object to int
//verify 4 byte password
//password should be sent as hex string
//eg. verpwd FF16FF16
else if(commandString == "verpwd")
const char* hexString = firstParam.c_str(); //convert String object to C-style string
uint32_t password = strtoul(hexString, NULL, 16); //convert hex formatted C-style string to int value
response = r307_fps.verifyPassword(password);
//set 4 byte password sent in hex format
//password should be sent as hex string
//eg. setpwd FF16FF16
else if(commandString == "setpwd")
const char* hexString = firstParam.c_str(); //convert String object to C-style string
uint32_t password = strtoul(hexString, NULL, 16); //convert hex formatted C-style string to int value
response = r307_fps.setPassword(password);
//set 4 byte address sent in hex format
//address should be sent as hex string
//eg. setaddr FF16FF16
else if(commandString == "setaddr")
const char *hexString = firstParam.c_str(); //convert String object to C-style string
uint32_t address = strtoul(hexString, NULL, 16); //convert hex formatted C-style string to int value
response = r307_fps.setAddress(address);
//set baudrate
//baudrate must be integer multiple of 96000. max is 115200
//eg. setbaud 115200
else if(commandString == "setbaud")
uint32_t baudrate = firstParam.toInt();
response = r307_fps.setBaudrate(baudrate);
//set baudrate
//baudrate must be integer multiple of 96000. max is 115200
//eg. setbaud 115200
else if(commandString == "reinitprt")
uint32_t baudrate = firstParam.toInt();
Serial.println(F("No change in device configuration."));
//set security level
//security level value must be 1-5
//deafault is usually 2
//eg. setseclvl 4
else if(commandString == "setseclvl")
uint8_t level = firstParam.toInt();
response = r307_fps.setSecurityLevel(level);
//scan finger image and save to image buffer
//eg. genimg
else if(commandString == "genimg")
time_t timeout = millis();
while(((millis() - timeout) < 5000)&&(digitalRead(R307_TOUCH) != 0))
Serial.println("Please put your finger on the sensor.");
response = r307_fps.generateImage();
//generate character file from image
//buffer Id should be 1 or 2
//eg. genchar 1
else if(commandString == "genchar")
uint8_t bufferId = firstParam.toInt();
response = r307_fps.generateCharacter(bufferId);
//generate template from char buffers
//template is the digital format of a fingerprint
//generated template will be available on both buffers 1 and 2
//eg. gentmp
else if(commandString == "gentmp")
response = r307_fps.generateTemplate();
//save template on buffer to library
//buffer ID should be 1 or 2
//location should be #1 - #10000 (don't send the "#" with command)
//eg. savtmp 1 32
else if(commandString == "savtmp")
uint8_t bufferId = firstParam.toInt();
uint16_t location = secondParam.toInt();
response = r307_fps.saveTemplate(bufferId, location);
//load template from library to buffer 1 or 2
//buffer ID should be 1 or 2
//location should be #1 - #10000 (don't send the "#" with command)
//eg. lodtmp 1 32
else if(commandString == "lodtmp")
uint8_t bufferId = firstParam.toInt();
uint16_t location = secondParam.toInt();
response = r307_fps.loadTemplate(bufferId, location);
//delete one or more templates from library
//to delete a single template, simply send 1 as quantity or count
//eg. deltmp 5 1
else if(commandString == "deltmp")
uint16_t startLocation = firstParam.toInt(); //start location in library
uint16_t count = secondParam.toInt(); //quantity to delete
response = r307_fps.deleteTemplate(startLocation, count);
//precisely match templates on the buffers 1 and 2
//returns match score (matchScore)
//eg. mattmp
else if(commandString == "mattmp")
response = r307_fps.matchTemplates();
//search the library for content on the buffer
//buffer ID should be 1 or 2
//start location cane be #1 to #1000 (don't send the "#" with command)
//eg. serlib 1 10 50
else if(commandString == "serlib")
uint8_t bufferId = firstParam.toInt();
uint16_t startLocation = secondParam.toInt();
uint16_t count = thirdParam.toInt();
response = r307_fps.searchLibrary(bufferId, startLocation, count);
//print command help information
else if(commandString == "help")
//unknown command
Serial.print(F("Invalid command : "));
if (response)
Serial.print("response == ");
Serial.println("\n.......END OF OPERATION.......\n");
uint8_t finger_detect(void)
//if power on 3.3V, when sensor dected Finger the Touch pin output LOW
Serial.println("Finger detected");
return 1;
return 0;
//this implements the fingerprint enrolling process
//simply send the location of where you want to save the new fingerprint.
//the location can be from #1 to #1000
//the library location actually starts at 0, but I have made it to 1 to avoid confusion
//therefore a 1 will be substracted from your location automatically
//The finger needs to be scanned twice at steps #1 and #2
uint8_t enrollFinger(uint16_t location)
//enroll new fingerprint
Serial.println("Enrolling New Fingerprint");
if((location > 1000) || (location < 1)) //if not in range (1-1000)
Serial.println("Enrolling failed.");
Serial.println("Bad location.");
Serial.print("location = #");
Serial.println("Please try again.");
return 1;
Serial.println("Scan #1: Please put your finger on the sensor.");
uint8_t response = r307_fps.generateImage(); //scan the finger
if(response != 0)
Serial.println("Scan #1: ERROR - Scanning failed. Please try again.");
Serial.println("Scan #1: Scanning success.");
response = r307_fps.generateCharacter(1); //generate the character file from image and save to buffer 1
if(response != 0)
Serial.println("Scan #1: ERROR - Template generation failed. Please try again.");
Serial.println("Scan #1: Template generation success.");
Serial.println("Scan #2: Please put your finger on the sensor.");
response = r307_fps.generateImage(); //scan the finger for second time
if(response != 0)
Serial.println("Scan #2: ERROR - Scanning failed. Please try again.");
Serial.println("Scan #2: Scanning success.");
response = r307_fps.generateCharacter(2); //generate the character file from image and save to buffer 2
if(response != 0)
Serial.println("Scan #2: Template generation failed. Please try again.");
response = r307_fps.generateTemplate(); //combine the two buffers and generate a template
if(response == 0)
response = r307_fps.saveTemplate(1, location); //save the template to the specified location in library
if(response == 0)
Serial.print("-- Fingerprint enrolled at ID #");
Serial.println(" successfully --");
else if(response == FPS_RESP_ENROLLMISMATCH)
Serial.println("ERROR : Fingerprints do not belong to same finger. Please try again.");
return 1;
void print_help(void)
Serial.println(F("----- COMMANDS -----"));
Serial.println(F("help - command help information"));
Serial.println(F("clrlib - clear library"));
Serial.println(F("tmpcnt - get templates count"));
Serial.println(F("readsys - read system parameters"));
Serial.println(F("setdatlen <data length> - set data length"));
Serial.println(F("capranser <timeout> <start location> <quantity> - capture and range search library for fingerprint"));
Serial.println(F("capfulser - capture and full search the library for fingerprint"));
Serial.println(F("enroll <location> - enroll new fingerprint"));
Serial.println(F("verpwd <password> - verify 4 byte device password"));
Serial.println(F("setpwd <password> - set new 4 byte device password"));
Serial.println(F("setaddr <address> - set new 4 byte device address"));
Serial.println(F("setbaud <baudrate> - set the baudrate"));
Serial.println(F("reinitprt <baudrate> - reinitialize the port without changing device configuration"));
Serial.println(F("setseclvl <level> - set security level"));
Serial.println(F("genimg - generate image"));
Serial.println(F("genchar <buffer id> - generate character file from image"));
Serial.println(F("gentmp - generate template from character buffers"));
Serial.println(F("savtmp <buffer id> <location> - save template to library from buffer"));
Serial.println(F("lodtmp <buffer id> <location> - load template from library to buffer"));
Serial.println(F("deltmp <start location> <quantity> - delete one or more templates from library"));
Serial.println(F("mattmp - precisely match two templates available on buffers"));
Serial.println(F("serlib <buffer id> <start location> <quantity> - search library for content on the buffer"));
If you experience any error in compiling the example sketch, check the updated code for the RAK12001 WisBlock Fingerprint Sensor that can be found on the RAK12001 WisBlock Example Code Repository.
- Select the right Serial Port and upload the code, as shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10.
If you are using the RAK11200 as your WisBlock Core, the RAK11200 requires the Boot0 pin to be configured properly first before uploading. If not done properly, uploading the source code to RAK11200 will fail. Check the full details on the RAK11200 Quick Start Guide.

- When you have successfully uploaded the sample code, you may open up your serial monitor, as shown in Figure 11.

- If you scroll down, you will see the list of commands available to use, as shown in Figure 12

You may refer to the table below:
Command | Description |
clrlib | clear library |
tmpcnt | get templates count |
readsys | read system parameters |
setdatlen (data_length) | set data length |
capranser (timeout) (start_location) (quantity) | capture and range search library for fingerprint |
capfulser | capture and full search the library for fingerprint |
enroll (location) | enroll new fingerprint |
verpwd (password) | verify 4 byte device password |
verpwd (password) | set new 4 byte device password |
setaddr (address) | set new 4 byte device address |
setbaud (baudrate) | set the baudrate |
reinitprt (baudrate) | reinitialize the port without changing device configuration |
setseclvl (level) | set security level |
genimg | generate image |
genchar (buffer_id) | generate character file from image |
gentmp | generate template from character buffers |
savtmp (buffer_id) (location) | save template to library from buffer |
lodtmp (buffer_id) (location) | load template from library to buffer |
deltmp (start_location) (quantity) | delete one or more templates from library |
mattmp | precisely match two templates available on buffers |
serlib (buffer_id) (start_location) (quantity) | search library for content on the buffer |
- To start the enrollment process, type enroll 1. Follow the procedure of placing your finger to the sensor, lifting and placing it again, as shown in Figure 13 to Figure 15.

Once successful, you will receive this message below as shown in Figure 16.

- To check if the fingerprint is stored, you can use the capfulser 1 command to do a full search, as shown in Figure 17 to Figure 18.

FingerID indicates the location of the searched print and matchScore returns how much the fingerprint is matched with the stored ones.