RAK1904 WisBlock 3-Axis Acceleration Sensor Module Datasheet

RAK1904 is a WisBlock Sensor that extends the WisBlock system with an ST LIS3DH 3-axis acceleration sensor. A ready-to-use SW library and tutorial make it easy to build up a motion detection and acceleration data acquisition system. It has an ultra-low-power high-performance three-axis linear accelerometer with a digital I2C interface. The device features ultra-low-power operational modes that allow advanced power saving and smart embedded functions.
The accelerometer of the RAK1904 module can be dynamically configured to work in the scales of ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16g and is capable of measuring accelerations with output data rates from 1 Hz to 5.3 kHz.
- User selectable scales: ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16g
- Data acquisition rates: from 1 Hz to 5.3 kHz
- Voltage Supply: 3.3 V
- Current Consumption: 0.5 uA to 11 uA
- Chipset: ST LIS3DH
- Module size: 10 x 10 mm
Figure 2 shows the mounting mechanism of the RAK1904 module on a WisBlock Base board. The RAK1904 module can be mounted on the slots: A, C, D, E, & F.

The hardware specification is categorized into six parts. It shows the chipset of the module and discusses the pinouts, sensors, and the corresponding functions and diagrams. It also covers the electrical and mechanical parameters that include the tabular data of the functionalities and standard values of the RAK1904 WisBlock 3-axis Acceleration Sensor Module.
Vendor | Part number |
Pin Definition
The RAK1904 WisBlock 3-axis Acceleration Sensor Module comprises a standard WisBlock connector. The WisBlock connector allows the RAK1904 module to be mounted to a WisBlock Base board. The pin order of the connector and the pinout definition is shown in Figure 3.

- Only the I2C related pins, interrupt pins, VDD, and GND are connected to this module.
- Pins 10, 12, 13, and 15 are connected to the interrupt pins of LIS3DH, refer to the datasheet of LIS3DH for details.
If a 24-pin WisBlock Sensor connector is used, the IO used for the output pulse depends on what slot the module is plugged in. The following table shows the default IO used for different slots:
WB_IO1 | WB_IO2 | WB_IO3 | WB_IO5 | WB_IO4 | WB_IO6 |
If there are other sensor modules connected on the base other than RAK1904 and are using the configurable 3V3_S voltage source, you cannot use SLOT B since 3V3_S is controlled via WB_IO2 pin.
Acceleration Sensor
Symbol | Parameter | Test Condition | Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit |
FS | Measurement Range | FS bit set to 00 | ±2.0 | g | ||
FS bit set to 01 | ±4.0 | g | ||||
FS bit set to 10 | ±8.0 | g | ||||
FS bit set to 10 | ±16.0 | g | ||||
So | Sensitivity | FS bit set to 00 High-resolution mode | 1 | mg/digit | ||
FS bit set to 00 Normal mode | 4 | mg/digit | ||||
FS bit set to 00 Low-power mode | 16 | mg/digit | ||||
FS bit set to 01 High-resolution mode | 2 | mg/digit | ||||
FS bit set to 01 Normal mode | 8 | mg/digit | ||||
FS bit set to 01 Low-power mode | 32 | mg/digit | ||||
FS bit set to 10 High-resolution mode | 4 | mg/digit | ||||
FS bit set to 10 Normal mode | 16 | mg/digit | ||||
FS bit set to 10 Low-power mode | 64 | mg/digit | ||||
FS bit set to 11 High-resolution mode | 12 | mg/digit | ||||
FS bit set to 11 Normal mode | 48 | mg/digit | ||||
FS bit set to 11 Low-power mode | 192 | mg/digit |
Electrical Characteristics
Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol | Description | Min. | Nom. | Max. | Unit |
VDD | Power supply for the module | 1.71 | 3.3 | 3.6 | V |
Ipdn | Power-down current | - | 0.5 | - | uA |
IDD | @50 Hz | - | 11 | - | uA |
IDD | @1 Hz | - | 2 | - | uA |
Mechanical Characteristics
Board Dimensions
Figure 4 shows the dimensions and the mechanic drawing of the RAK1904 module.

WisConnector PCB Layout

Schematic Diagram
Figure 6 shows the schematic of the RAK1904 module.