RAK3172-SiP WisDuo LPWAN SiP AT Command Manual
The RAK3172-SiP, based on the STM32WLE5 chip, simplifies LoRaWAN and LoRa point-to-point (P2P) communication. To integrate LoRa technology into your projects, the RAK3172-SiP uses an easy-to-use UART communication interface for sending AT commands. These AT commands set parameters for LoRa P2P and LoRaWAN communication. Any microcontroller with a UART interface can control the RAK3172-SiP.
The UART serial communication is exposed on the UART2 (also identified as LPUART1 port), through Pin 29 (TX2) and Pin 30 (RX2). The default parameters of the UART2 communication are 115200 / 8-N-1. Firmware upgrades are also possible through this port. To familiarize yourselft with the pin distribution of this module and find a schematic circuit of a reference application, refer to the RAK3172-SiP Datasheet.
The RAK3172-SiP does not have pre-flashed LoRaWAN credentials. In this case, you have to define and setup your own unique credentials for the SiP's.
RUI3 AT Command List
The RAK3172-SiP default firmware is based on RUI3 (RAKwireless Unified Interface V3). You can access the AT command via UART2 by default.
The complete list of commands can be found in RUI3 AT Commands Documentation.
In addition, aside on UART2, AT commands can also be interfaced via UART1 Pin 17 (TX1) and Pin 18 (RX1). You can configure the settings of UART1 and UART2 interfaces via RUI3 Serial Operating Modes.