RAK10701-Plus Field Tester for LoRaWAN Quick Start Guide
Before going through each and every step in the installation guide of the RAK10701-Plus Field Tester for LoRaWAN, make sure to prepare the necessary items listed below:
Hardware Tools
- RAK10701-Plus Field Tester for LoRaWAN
- LoRa Sub-GHz Antenna with RP-SMA connector
- USB Type-C Cable
- PC (Windows/Linux/macOS) or mobile (iOS/Android)
Software Tools
WisToolBox for configuration and firmware update.
The RAK10701-Plus must be fully charged and within the coverage area of the LoRaWAN Gateway of the network you are attempting to join. Without coverage, the field tester will not function properly.
Product Configuration
RAK10701-Plus Field Tester Physical Interface
The user interface of the RAK10701-Plus Field Tester for LoRaWAN consists of a TFT touchscreen LCD and a side push button. Additionally, it features an external LoRa antenna port with an RP-SMA connector and a USB-C port for charging and configuration when connected to a PC.

Make sure that the LoRa antenna is attached before turning on the device.
- To turn on the device, press and hold the button for at least five seconds.

The same button can also be used to power off the device. To do so, hold it for at least five seconds.

- When the device initializes, it will show the RAK logo on the screen. If there is any initialization error, it will be shown on the upper right section of the screen as well. A properly working device should not have any errors shown.

- After a successful boot-up, the main home screen will be displayed. Note that no data will be shown upon the device's first start.
- The field tester must be outside and have a clear view of the sky to get GPS coordinates. The GPS antenna is located on top of the device beside the RP-SMA connector of the LoRa Antenna.
- If you are indoors, there will be no reception of the GPS signal. The distances, latitude, and longitude data will be empty.

- Once fully powered on, the external button at the side can sleep or wake up the display on the LCD screen via a single press on it.
- If the device is connected via USB-C to a computer and the button is pressed, the display won't be removed but the screen will be locked (disabling touch functionality).

The complete data readings on the RAK10701-Plus Field Tester.

RAK10701-PLUS Configuration via Settings and AT command
By clicking the settings (gear icon) on the lower right corner of the main screen, you will have access to the settings. This will allow you to change the following parameters:
- Regional band: Must be the same with your LoRaWAN network server and gateway.
- DR: Data rate allowed on the specific band.
- TX power: Represent RF transmission power index. Lower index value has higher power.
- TX interval: The regular uplinks configured when field tester is running.
- Backlight: Higher value will drain the battery faster.
- ADR: Adaptive Data Rate that overrides configured DR.
- Location Labeling/Tagging: Initially set to NULL but can be changed by pressing up/down button widget in LCD.

The Field Tester Plus must be registered on the LoRaWAN Network Server and successfully joined to function. This requires configuring the device's OTAA parameters, which can be done via AT commands. The required parameters are DEVEUI, APPEUI (also called JOINEUI), and APPKEY.
Use WisToolBox or another serial terminal tool to send the necessary AT commands. These OTAA parameters must match those in the LoRaWAN Network Server (refer to the specific LNS guide in the next section); otherwise, the device will fail to join. To view the AT commands you input instead of just the plain OK
reply, input the command ATE

Installation of the Field Tester Extension on WisGateOS2
Field Tester Extension is an extension app installed on RAKwireless WisGate Edge LoRaWAN Gateway with WisGateOS2. It is designed to provide background computing services for Field Tester Plus. The application communicates with LoRaWAN network servers through MQTT subscribe/publish methods, supporting both the built-in LoRaWAN network server in the RAK gateway and third-party LoRaWAN network servers.

To install, login to the WisGateOS2 web console of your WisGate Edge LoRaWAN Gateway and proceed to extensions. Look for Field Test extension and click Install. Once installed, configure the application and device (Field Tester Plus) to the LoRaWAN network server you use in your network deployment.

LoRaWAN Network Servers Guide for RAK10701-Plus Field Tester
The field tester plus supports different network servers. Check the following guide on how to use the RAK10701-Plus Field Tester for LoRaWAN in the following network servers. If the LNS you use is not listed, the field tester plus will only work in LinkCheck mode.
RAK10701-Plus Field Tester Guide Using Built-in LNS of WisGateOS2
One unique feature of Field Tester Plus is that it allows you to have coverage testing without the need of internet. This is made possible by using the Built-in LNS of the WisGateOS2. This guide will provide you step by step procedure how to setup the Built-in LNS to work on Field Tester Plus.
Set the Gateway Work Mode to Built-in Network Server
- Configure Work mode to Built-in network server. Navigate to LoRa > Configuration. For Work mode, select Built-in network server.

- Select the log level and frequency band.

Create an Application on Built-in LNS
Navigate to LoRa > Applications tab.
Click the Add application button or the add one now link to create a new application.

- After the page jumps, configure the following information:

Application name: Name of the application
Application description: Description of the application (optional)
Application Type
Unified Application key: Choose this option if all devices will use the same application key. Once selected, a field for the application key appears, where you can manually type in an application key or click the Autogenerate button to generate one.
NOTEThe Unified Application Key must match the value from the Field Tester Plus. You can either obtain it by querying the Field Tester Plus or auto-generate it and then update the corresponding value on the Field Tester Plus accordingly
After enabling the Auto Add Device option, configure the Application EUI option. This value needs to be consistent with the value from the Field Tester Plus, so either obtain it by querying the Field Tester Plus, or auto-generate it and synchronously change the corresponding value of the Field Tester Plus. After the application EUI and key verification, the device will be automatically added to the application.
Figure 1: WisGateOS2 Application Key
- Separate Application key: Each device has its own application key. Add the key when registering the device.
Figure 1: WisGateOS2 Application EUI
- Click Save Application to add the new application.
The DEVEUI, APPEUI, and APPKEY are important in this step. These values must be configured on your RAK10701-Plus device via AT commands as mentioned in the previous section.
Add End-Device on Built-in LNS
- Navigate to LoRa > Applications tab.

- In the application list, click the newly created application and go to the End devices tab. If the Auto Add Device feature is used, the device will be automatically registered with the adding request. Otherwise, refer to the next step.

Click the Add end device button.
In the End device information interface, fill in the following information:

- Activation Mode: OTAA. This value needs to be consistent with the value from the end device.
- End device (group) name: Name of the end device (group).
- End device description (optional): A description of the end device, optional.
- Class: Class A
- Frame Counter Width: Keep the default value.
Click Add end devices to enter the device adding page.
In the Adding end devices interface, enter the device EUI in the End Device EUI (main) field and click the Add to End Devices list button.

- The device EUI needs to be consistent with the end device EUI.
- If the EUI is correct, the device will appear in the End devices list.
- If the EUI is duplicate, the device will be displayed in the End devices with an error.
- Click Add end devices to add the Field Tester Plus to the application.

Set Up Mapper Extension Using Built-in LNS
By following the steps in the previous sections, you should now have your device registered. Follow these steps to set up a mapper extension using the built-in LNS:
Navigate to Device EUI, and go to the corresponding Configuration tab.
Click the Packet capture button. Here you can monitor data that the application is exchanging in real time.
Restart to join the network and start sending uplinks, provided the join is successful and interval sending is enabled (indicated by the pause widget next to the settings icon in the lower-right corner of the LCD screen).
NOTEYou can also force an uplink by double clicking the user button on the side of the field tester. Make sure your field tester is within the LoRaWAN Gateway's coverage area, otherwise it will keep attempting to join but will fail.

After successful join and initial uplinks, you will only see Downlink information since the integration of Built-in LNS and Field Tester Extension on WisGateOS2 is not yet done.

To complete the process, go to the Field Tester Extension on your WisGateOS2 and select the Built-in Server.
NOTENo authentication method is required to connect to the internal MQTT broker, you just need to set the MQTT broker server address to localhost. The default uplink topic is
, which means subscribing uplink message from all Field Tester devices. While for downlink, it isapplication/{appName}/device/{devEui}/tx

After the successful integration, you should be able to see complete information of Uplink and Downlink RF strength and signal quality.

RAK10701-Plus Field Tester Guide Using The Things Network or The Things Industries
This guide doesn't cover registration of the LoRaWAN Gateway to TTN/TTI. For the registration of LoRaWAN Gateway on the TTN/TTI server, you can follow this guide.
For community LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS) The Things Network Sandbox, go to https://console.cloud.thethings.network/. If you use The Things Industries Cloud, go to your account URL.
- Under the Existing clusters, select the cluster where your device or gateway is located. Alternatively, choose the country or region of the device or gateway from the dropdown menu. Then, click on the recommended cluster.

- On the home page, create an application to register the device.
You can also register the device on any application that is already in your account.
- Navigate on Home > Dashboard, then click Add application to create an application.

- Click on the Application tab. Under the Create application page, enter the Application ID, Application name, and Description, then click Create application.

- Newly created applications have no end-devices yet. On the Application overview > LoRaWAN end-devices page, click +Register end device to add the end-devices.

- Choose Enter end device specifics manually as the input method.
Clicking Enter end device specifics manually allows you to add the Frequency plan, LoRaWAN version, Regional Parameters version and JoinEUI. The values of these parameters depend on the hardware you use. If your device has a preconfigured JoinEUI, use it.
- Register the end device. Enter the device details, such as the Frequency plan, LoRaWAN version, and Regional Parameters version, then click Confirm.

Once the JoinEUI is confirmed, add the other OTAA parameters—DevEUI, AppKey, and End device ID. Then, under After registration, choose View registered end device and click on Register end device.
NOTE- If these parameters are not provided in the device, click the Generate button.
- Alternatively, use the OTAA parameters provided in the device.

After you register the device, it will be added to the LoRaWAN Application. Restart the Field Tester Plus and it will join the network and start sending uplinks, provided the join is successful and interval sending is enabled (indicated by the pause widget next to the settings icon in the lower-right corner of the LCD screen).
NOTEYou can also force an uplink by double clicking the user button on the side of the field tester. Make sure your field tester is within the LoRaWAN Gateway's coverage area, otherwise it will keep attempting to join but will fail.
After successful join and initial uplinks, you will only see Downlink information since the integration of TTI and Field Tester Extension on WisGateOS2 is not yet done.

- To complete the process, go to the Field Tester Extension on your WisGateOS2 and select The Things Network. Input the required parameters, which you can obtain from your TTN or TTI LNS (see Figure 39). Ensure you add the correct configuration.

The integration between The Things Network and the Field Tester Extension is via MQTT. You need to generate API key on TTN/TTI console which you will use as the password on the extension.
Set up the uplink and downlink topics. The uplink topic is
v3/{application id}@{tenant id}/devices/{device id}/up
and the downlink topic isv3/{application id}@{tenant id}/devices/{device id}/down/sent
. For example, uplink topic isv3/xk-mapper@ttn/devices/field-tester-extension/up
while downlink topic isv3/xk-mapper@ttn/devices/field-tester-extension/down/sent

After the successful integration, you should be able to see complete information of Uplink and Downlink RF strength and signal quality.

RAK10701-Plus Field Tester Guide Using Chirpstack
- Log in to your Chirpstack account and on the main dashboard page click Applications.

This guide doesn't cover registration of the LoRaWAN Gateway to Chirpstack. For registration of the LoRaWAN Gateway on Chirpstack, you can follow this guide.
- On the application page, create new application by clicking Add application or select an existing application you have.

- If you choose to add new application, add details of the application which includes Name and Description. After putting the details, click Submit.

- Add the device by clicking Add device.

On the Add device page, add the details of the device including Name, Description, Device EUI, Join EUI, and Device profile. After providing the details, click Submit.
NOTEAlternatively, use the Generate button for Device EUI and Join EUI if these parameters are not provided in the device. Else, use OTAA parameters are provided in the device.

- Once the details are added, add the Application key. Use the one provided in the device if any or use the Generate button. After inputting the Application key, click Submit.

If all is successful, your device will be registered in the Chirpstack application.

After you register the device, it will be added on the LoRaWAN Application. Restart the Field Tester Plus and it will join the network and start sending uplinks, provided the join is successful and interval sending is enabled (indicated by the pause widget next to the settings icon in the lower-right corner of the LCD screen).
NOTEYou can also force an uplink by double clicking the user button on the side of the field tester. Make sure your field tester is within the LoRaWAN Gateway's coverage area, otherwise it will keep attempting to join but will fail.
After successful join and initial uplinks, you will only see Downlink information since the integration of Chirpstack and Field Tester Extension on WisGateOS2 is not yet done.

To complete the process, go to the Field Tester Extension on your WisGateOS2 and select ChirpStack. Input the required parameters, which you can obtain from your ChirpStack LNS.
Set up MQTT broker address to the server where you deploy ChirpStack as well as the authentication if needed. For Chirpstack, the uplink topic is
and the downlink topic isapplication/{applicationId}/device/{devEui}/command/down

- After the successful integration, you should be able to see complete information of Uplink and Downlink RF strength and signal quality.

RAK10701-Plus Field Tester Guide Using AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN
This guide doesn't cover registration of the LoRaWAN Gateway to AWS IoT. For registration of the LoRaWAN Gateway on AWS IoT, you can follow this guide.
Since AWS IoT has an internal MQTT broker but lacks an integrated MQTT for LoRaWAN, additional configurations on the AWS IoT side are required after configuring the extension. Below are the AWS IoT workflow steps followed by the instructions:

- To connect to the MQTT broker, retrieve the MQTT broker address from the AWS IoT settings.

- Since TLS is used to ensure the confidentiality of the MQTT broker, create a certificate in the AWS IoT security.

- Download the device certificate, including the private key and CA certificate, then upload them to the extension configuration page.

- Create a destination to process the uplink data by subscribing to the uplink topic, enabling it to receive the uplink data from AWS IoT.

When you have a wireless device for the Field Tester, assign the destination to the wireless device. For more detailed information, see Onboard your devices to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN - AWS IoT Wireless.
- Send downlink message to Field Tester by creating a Lambda Function named FieldTester. The Runtime should be Python 3.10.

- Replace the lambda function code with the following python code:
import json
import boto3
import base64
import codecs
import binascii
client = boto3.client("iotwireless")
def lambda_handler(event, context):
device_id = event["deviceID"]
data = event["data"]
fPort = event["fPort"]
"LoRaWAN": {"FPort": fPort}},
return {
'statusCode': 200,
'body': json.dumps('Send Downlink from Lambda!')

- Create a message routing rule in AWS IoT to subscribe the downlink topic SendFieldTesterDownlink and invoke this Lambda Function to process the downlink message.

Report Generation of Field Testing Result
Report generation of test logs can be done on the Field Tester Extension in WisGateOS2. There is a Export button that will generate the CSV file.

Labeling and tagging of locations must be done on the setting interface. Navigate the label tag showing NULL as default and change it using the built-in keyboard. Remember to change the NULL setting if you want to log data; otherwise, no readings will be recorded.

After your field testing and generation of report, you can have the CSV output containing all the information of your testing. Click on the sheet showing the field tester DEVEUI.