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RAK5010-M WisTrio NB-IoT Tracker AT Command Manual

The purpose of this section is to demonstrate how to configure the RAK5010-M-BG95 WisTrio NB-IoT Tracker thru the use of AT Commands via a Serial Port Tool running on your Windows PC. The list below shows the AT Commands available for use:


You need a serial port tool that can support DTR functions, like Termite. You can download Termite on their website.

For Linux and MacOS, the alternative is Coolterm.

AT CommandDescription
at+versionGet the current firmware version number.
at+set_config=device:restartAfter set, the device will restart.
at+get_config=device:statusGet all information about the device’s hardware components and their current status.
at+set_config=device:sleep:XAfter set, the device will go to sleep or wake up immediately.
• 1 - sleep • 0 - wake up
at+set_config=device:cellular:X• X - 0: close, 1: open
at+set_config=cellular:send_interval:X:YSet the interval of sending packet loop.
• X - 0: off, 1: on.
• Y - the interval time (ms) This value must be more than 150000 (150s). If the X is set to 1, it means that the device will sleep for Y ms after sending a packet automatically in a loop, until you set X to 0.
at+scan=cellularScan the around Cellular networks
at+set_config=cellular:XXX:Y:ZZZ:AAA:BBB:CSet the IP address and port which you want to send data through Cellular.
• XXX - The IP address you want to send data to.
• Y - The port you want to send data to.
• ZZZ - The cellular operator’s long name you want to connect, for example: CHINA MOBILE.
• AAA - The short name of the Cellular operator, for example: CMCC.
• BBB - The operator’s APN name, for example CMNET.
• C - The number of the Cellular network type. For example, 0 indicates GSM, 8 indicates LTE cat.M1, and 9 indicates LTE cat.NB1.
at+set_config=cellular:(XXX)Set the Cellular module using the Cellular module’s common AT commands which come from its manufacturer.
• XXX - The Cellular module’s common AT commands. For the full list of supported Quectel BG95-M3 AT Commands, check their website.
• This is a reserve AT command, and you will not use it normally.
at+send=cellular:XXXSend a data through cellular.
• XXX - The data you want to send.
at+set_config=hologram:XXXConfigure the Hologram SIM card.
• XXX - The device key of the Hologram SIM card. You can find it on Hologram web page after activating the Hologram SIM card.
at+send=hologram:user:XXXSend a data to Hologram server.
• XXX - the data you want to send.
at+send=hologram:sensorSend a packet of the current sensor’s data to the Hologram server.
at+set_config=ble:work_mode:X:YSet the work mode for BLE.
• X - 0: BLE peripheral mode, 1: BLE central mode, 2: Beacon scan mode
• Y - 0: normal range, 1: BLE long range