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BLE Custom Service


Before compiling the RUI3 BLE Examples, you must check the procedures described in the Prerequisite section of RAK4631-R QuickStart Guide. You will also need to install and configure the Arduino IDE, as described in the RAK4631-R Software section.

Loading the Example

The project is available on Arduino IDE RAK WisBlock RUI examples.

  1. Launch Arduino IDE then go to: File -> Examples -> RAK WisBlock RUI examples -> Example -> BLE_BLE_Custom_Service.
Figure 1: RAK WisBlock RUI BLE Custom Service example
  1. Once the example code is open, you can now select the correct serial port, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1: Selecting the correct serial port
  1. The last step is to upload the code by clicking the highlighted Upload icon.
Figure 1: Uploading the BLE Custom Service example code

Example Details

This sketch creates a custom BLE service with two Characteristics:

  • Notify Characteristic. The notification can be enabled or disabled.
  • Read Characteristic.

Initializes BLE Custom Services

RUI3 API to initialize custom BLE Services:


Create BLE Service

BLE Service API.

RAKBleService hrms = RAKBleService(base_uuid);

Create BLE Characteristic

BLE Characteristic API.

RAKBleCharacteristic hrmc = RAKBleCharacteristic(UUID16_CHR_HEART_RATE_MEASUREMENT);
RAKBleCharacteristic bslc = RAKBleCharacteristic(UUID16_CHR_BODY_SENSOR_LOCATION);

Methods for Characteristic:


Register Callback

Register a callback API.


On function cccd_callback you need to check the chars_uuidparameter and use the pointer *cccd_value to read the values.

// You should create your own RAKBleCharacteristic instance to use this API.
RAKBleCharacteristic hrmc = RAKBleCharacteristic(YOUR_UUID);

void cccd_callback(uint16_t chars_uuid, uint8_t * cccd_value)
// process YOUR_UUID
if (chars_uuid == YOUR_UUID) {

// get cccd_value
String cccd_value1 = String(cccd_value[0], HEX);


Arduino Serial Monitor Log

Figure 1: BLE Custom Service log