Pi-Compatible Modules
WisHat is a category of products built by the RAK company for the IoT Industry. Modules under this category utilize the Raspberry Pi. All of the products in this category support the standard Pi 40-pin connector and can easily be put on top of any Raspberry Pi edition.

RAK9003 PoE HAT is an add-on board with Raspberry Pi form factor which can be plugged into a Raspberry Pi directly. This makes it possible to power the Raspberry Pi via a standard CAT 5 Ethernet cable.
RAK9003 PoE Pi HAT
Model: RAK9003
RAK8213 has a built-in GNSS module that greatly simplifies product design and provides faster, more accurate, and more reliable positioning. It is designed to work in conjunction with the RAK8213 NB-IoT module.
RAK8213 Pi HAT
Model: RAK8213
RAK2287/RАК5146 Pi HAT is a converter board with a Raspberry Pi form factor that enables the RAK2287 SPI or RAK5146 SPI LPWAN concentrator modules to be mounted on the top of the Raspberry Pi.
RAK2287/RAK5146 Pi HAT
Model: RAK2287/RAK5146
List of WisHat Legacy Products
End-of-Life Products
Model: WisHat